Howie... Just Howie

On this page, I will sharing the intelligent insight brought to us from a fellow co-worker that goes by the name Howie. As an introduction, I bring you the following:

"My handwriting is so good I make myself cry"

"Andy plays by no one elses rules - not even his own"

"I do this to cover my ass right?"
"and "ass" is an animal"

Frog: "house of chens for lunch?"
Howie: "niceee"
            "is that a real place?"

"i don't know why but i can't get Herbert (family guy) song out of my head when he auditions for church organist: "i know what boys wants, boys want, boys want..."

Brandon: "Well my pdf is setup in OCR mode and I bet yours isn't..."
Howie: "I can't even spell what you just said"
Brandon: "O... C... R...???"

"I was dancing at the club, all of the sudden it got really uncomfortable in the front pocket of one of my gray pants. I reach in there expecting an anaconda. But it was 6 westinghouse pens"

"Hey Sherry look! They have your milk!"

Howie: Hey Frog I need a tool to cut this paper.
Frog: We call those scissors here in the United States.
Howie: *Really confused look*

Howie tells a story, followed by:
Andy: "So when did this happen?"
Howie: "Yesterday... oh wait yesterday was yesterday, so the day before that!"

Howie: "dude, my twists hurt like crazy last week from lifting weights. Anything I can do?"
Andy: "twists???"
Howie: "yea connection part between hands and forearms"
Andy: "WRISTS?"
Howie: "oh yea"

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